Kaizo Mario Maker Wikia
Step-by-Step Guide:
Instructions Button Inputs Picture
Stand 3 blocks away from the wall
Y Hold (Wii U)
Shell Jump (Step 1)
Jump straight up
Y Hold (Wii U)
B Hold (Wii U)
Shell Jump (Step 2)
Release the shell at the peak of your jump
B Hold (Wii U)
Shell Jump (Step 3)
Hold down the run button.
Y Hold (Wii U)
B Hold (Wii U)
Shell Jump (Step 4)
Hold forward to get enough speed
D-Pad Right (Wii U)
Y Hold (Wii U)
B Hold (Wii U)
Shell Jump (Step 6)
Shell Jump (Step 7)
Slow Motion GIF:

Shell Jump (Slow Motion)
